(972) 920-6280
LICENSE # C18890201
We now Serve All of North Texas We ProvideUniformed Security Service We ProvideBodyguard Service
We now Serve All of North Texas
We ProvideUniformed Security Service
We ProvideBodyguard Service


We provide security and investigation services with exceptional quality. Together, our leadership has over 40 years of full-time law enforcement experience and has been assigned to various areas before, such as Instructors, Tactical Response Teams, and supervisory roles, which we have over 20 years of experience.


Phone Line



Security Professionals






Years of Law Enforcement Experience


We are always on guard for your family and business

We adapt to your needs, whether you need us to stand out or blend in.


security services

Personal Protection


Our Services

Security Officers

EXPRO Security Officers We also take expert care in selecting our staff for hire. Currently,…

Executive Protection & Bodyguards

You can trust our Personal Protection Officers for all your personal protection needs We also…


What is a Private Investigator? A private investigator is someone who is typically hired by…

Fire Watch

What is a Fire Watch? Why do I need one? Fire watch services are required…

Our Guards

We have 10 years of Experienced in doing Security & Safty Stuff nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit

Alec Salvatore

Chief Executive Officer

Austin Wong

General Manager

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    We have 10 years of Experienced in doing Beautiful & Creative Stuff nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
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    Praesent tristique eget enim quis molestie

    Sed sem tellus, feugiat quis sagittis at, fringilla sed felis. Duis porttitor or congue. Vivamus a orci fermentum, fermentum quam non, ultricies massa. Nunc…

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    Donec ornare est mauris, quis blandit mauris cursus non

    posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin…

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    Quisque ut tellus vitae odio rutrum lobortis

    posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin…

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